

Latest answers from wiks

Which season (of tv-show) that started this fall 2015 are you enjoying the most? Why?

honestly? i haven't seen any, that's how busy i am. i want to start quantico tho :)

ah, i was under anon sorry! and thank you so very much! i really appreciate that you answered my question, because it was definitely helpful!

you're welcome babe <3

hey there, sorry to interrupt you it's just that I recently opened a youtube channel and knowing how great vidder you are I would really like to hear you thoughts about my first video (pss.. it's about fitzsimmons♥) thank you in advence, I hope you will enjoy ☺ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUzT4

honey the link doesn't work! but thank you :')

wonder if i could request for a video of lito x hernando?? i mean nomi x amanita would be fine too hehe

uh i don't know if i can make one with lito and hernano but i will try with naomi and amanita, okay?

QOTD (The second most voted by you was Movies): What's your favorite type of movie? (eg: Drama, Romance, Horror). Name one movie that you really enjoy. (P.s: The next theme chose by you will by next QOTD)

HORROR. man, i love watching these, but i like the old ones more when there was no cheap jump scares like right now. ALSO, i love drama, but in ''black swan'' or ''rosemary's baby'' kinda drama, you know, movie that makes you speechless

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