
Rachael Riddle

Ask @rachaelriddle

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What's the most interesting object in your room?

I have a half of a broken skateboard Jj Lopes have to me when I was I think in 6th grade. not sure why I still have it.

Truth is, you and Emily are the cutest of best friends! You're super pretty and I hope to see you again soon! (:

Daw thanks! Your perfect.. Can you share pleaseeee!
Liked by: Emily Poe Ashley

Truth is.. I love all your pictures they are so cool I'm jealous. And you're the prettiest thing ever

Oh my gosh. That made my day. Thank you (:
You're so perfect I'm jealous!
Liked by: Briana

Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?

One time when I was at Disney Land I was going down to the lobby of my hotel with my dad and Jordan and the elevator dropped 5 floors. That was some scary ass shit right there. But if I had to choose anyone it's obvious I'd choose Harley.
Liked by: Shania McKean

If you could spend the next year living anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Coventry, England so I could meet my cousins and aunts out there


Language: English