

Ask @rachelkuziyi

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siapa sini ambil sains komputer tingkatan 4/5??

Tak ada sebab tingkatan 4 dan 5 sudah tak ada komputer punya benda dah

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Aku tak tahu tapi prinsip acc boleh buat aku down siot 😭😭 lagi lagi suka buat add math 🔥

You boleh drop your account tapi you cant take if you are from class but if you from sc class can take easily 😊 Good luck 👏

Ok I am science stream student. This year i already form5. Addmath tak pernah lulus. Em, I ni minat design or hias something. But not into fashion designer. Ala benda random. So what course should i take? Ada ke course yg libatkan science + design? Sbb taknakla sia2 kan apa yg i belajar huhu

You can take art class at outside as well or you go write letter and apply for it and do more exercise for add math and go to tution if dont understand ask teacher for help or you ask your friends who smart in add math can teach you then teacher. Although it is hard to pass your add math but trust yourself you can do it buy much exercise try to pay attention when teacher teach and raise up your hand if you cannot understand well if your teacher is malay speak malay to teacher but if very hard you call chinese friend to help you ask in chinese if the teacher is chinese then chinese people can speak in chinese for asking or you ask teacher personally! Study hard sebab bak kata "USAHA TANGGA KERJAYAAN " so good luck dont ever give up😚😚 I will always support you 😗

apa pendapat korang bila tengok primary sch student couple ?

Saya akan cemburu sebab saya tak ada couple pada zaman sekolah rendah😂
Liked by: Izzati


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