
rachel johnstone

Ask @rachmeatsixx

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this is a serious question.. im a girl and im just under 10 stone and im 14, i get called fat daily and want to sort it out. i want to get to atleast 7stone or 8stone. do you have any tips or exersize routines you could give me? thanks if you do x

erm well if you're asking me this because i'm really thin, then idk because i don't exercise at all, i just don't gain weight. have a balanced diet and go to the gym 3/4 times a week? x
Liked by: Rachh Dilken D

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Advice for a self harmer

idek how to answer these questions, erm.. I'm not going to say 'just stop' because I know how hard it is.. but I want you to try your hardest because things can only get better.. this is not the end. you are beautiful, and you are ruining your beautiful body with horrible scars you're going to regret for the rest of your life. and also, people care, a lot of people care, what if you cut too deep one day, imagine how your parents would feel? what if one of your family members or friends/boyfriend/girlfriend started cutting because you did? because they think it's their fault? you shouldn't have to punish yourself for something you didn't do and I know that to self harm is easier than being depressed but honestly things will get better because they have for me and i never ever thought they would.. i'm so happy, i have the most amazing friends and the most perfect boyfriend in the world. stay strong, I love you x

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