

Latest answers from Raquel

If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold, that guitar solo. Yes!

If you could, what time period would you travel to and why?

The 50's with the car hops, Letterman jackets, poodle skirts, rock n' roll, Elvis Presley, leather jackets, and rebels without a cause.

Which countries would you travel to and why?

I would travel to Scotland again because I loved it there! I would also like to travel to Iceland because I want to see the beautiful scenery and the Northern Lights. Also, Sweden because I've wanted to go there since 2006?

Which do you prefer: a million dollars or a million friends?

A million dollars! I don't NEED a million friends, a few good friends is enough. But I do need a million dollars. I want to buy a house!

What's your blogging style? How do you prep your blog posts? Is there a process on how you decide on what to write about?

I don't think I have a blogging style. The only blogs I really plan are book reviews, where I answer specific questions for every review. Other than that, I post about bookish things and non bookish things whenever I feel like posting or have something interesting to post.

Since you're a fan of Harry Potter, have you taken the new pottermore quiz and if so, which house do you belong to?

Yes! I'm in Gryffindor! I'm so happy because when I first took the test a few years back, I got Gryffindor too! I need to go buy some Gryffindor merch!

Language: English