
Sam Serrano

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A proton having a speed of 5.0x106 m/s in a magnetic field feels a force of 8x10-14 N toward the west when it moves vertically upward. When moving horizontally in a northernly direction, it feels zero force. Determine the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in this region. (q = 1.6x10-19C)

Lol no
Liked by: Julian Ticzon

haha, thank yaa! I really don't think I'm over it yet then. oh welll some things take time. :-) have a great night, Sam

Yeah... Hehe hope things turn up right for you :)

what do you think is the biggest sign that someone isn't over their past relationship?

Not quite sure because ive never been in this situation nor have i ever witnessed this happening before, but as far as im concerned, if he/she still thinks about his/her past relationship or if he/she shows signs of jealousy over his/her "ex," then there ya have it. He/she's not over it just yet

seriously? hate her?? people should just get to know her more.. I don't think she changed and I don't even know her well..people will judge, Sam! but, no one knows you better than yourself. :)

Aww thanks, that really made me feel way better :)

how are ya Sam? I never talked to you in person :)) but said random "Hi"s a lot :))

Not so good. Really, now... Haha try talking to me in person, im approachable


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