

Ask @rawwritsharriet

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n'awww!!! I think I've fallen in love haha XD you're amazing and funny absolutely gorgeous and you seem like an amazing person :) just saying lol

awwh thanks:3

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People with depression are quiet and inward and you are neither of those things.

you obviously don't know me:L That's also stereotypical. a friend of my mums who recently commited suicide because of his depression acted cheery and hyper all the time to cover it up. when he did tell my mum he had depression we did everything we could to help him. TBH I only told my close friends about It but it got spread about. im so outward with it because im fed up of people like you. its not like your making it any better.

Yeah everyone's sad sometimes but they don't feel the need to be constantly begging for attention and putting their sexuality in their bio. If you were genuinely depressed you wouldn't be telling everyone.

I put it in my bio because the amount of questions I get asking me what my sexuality is omfgXD I know everyone gets sad sometimes...it's natural but when you have depression you get sad and then get sucked into this black hole and you cant get out. sometimes it feels like your stuck in a well and the walls are to far apart so you cant get out unless someone throws a ladder down. another thing I find funny about anonymous hate is that the amount of people that have committed suicide because they where getting hate then people still say stuff like "ew no one likes you" "attention seeker" etc... but then when this person is dead people say "she/he was perfect" "they had so much to live for" "she/he had so many friends" why is it when something permanent happens people only just start to care? ffs it annoys me so much.

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yeah that's wouldn't surprise me if they were and nope it doesn't bother me either, if anything im the one calling people faggots XD (to anon if you're reading this then im truly bi and have had gfs also quit with the cyber bullying as well!! twat) anyway we are awesome!! simple as that haha XD

thanks for getting your word in but...
yeah thats wouldnt surprise me if they were and nope it doesnt bother me either
Liked by: Letteybear

You always look happy and hang around with people at school yet over the Internet you put on a "poor little me" act it's pathetic

I look happy when im with my friends because they are there for me. just like you would laugh and smile around your friends. I don't "hang around" with people, they are my friends and they keep me smiling. I do have depression and a lot of the time I am sad, but just like anyone else I can put on a pretty decent smile to hide I don't upset the people around me. Im sorry but the only pathetic one here is you, if it bothers you so much you wouldn't be on anon.
Liked by: Lauren

a bunch of sticks rolled up in a ball of meat XD hahaha I much prefer the word faggot....so much shorter lmao :L but I don't get why so many people don't like the word....us gay,bi,lesbian people use it all the time and it's supposed to be offensive to us not anyone else yet it doesn't bother us

these anon are most likely straight, if I get called a faggot it doesn't bother me and m sure it wouldn't bother you eitherXD

You say you're bullied and young ace it really hard yet whenever I we you aroun school you're always laughing an with people? Don't wish to be alone and to he bullied or some day it might actually happen to you

that paragraph made no sense at all "young ace" "aroun" "laughing an with people" "and to he"
darling it has happened to me so get out.
You say youre bullied and young ace it really hard yet whenever I we you aroun

You should spend a day in the life of someone who actually has it hard and is bullied then you would see how it feels, until then enjoy attention seeking over the Internet:)

I have been bullied, FOR TEN YEARS OF MY LIFE. I know what it feels like. you could be considered a bully. giving someone hate over the internet. PATHETIC.
You should spend a day in the life of someone who actually has it hard and is

hahaha aww poor anon ans such a nice medal as well XD I don't get why people say using the word faggot is offensive...bi.gay,lesbians use it all the time also faggot was originally a bunch of sticks so everyone is calling others a bunch of sticks hahaha XD ly fgt lmao

a faggot is also a ball of meat cooked like a burgerXD so you could be calling someone a bunch of sticks or a ball of meatXD

omg this person talking about bi and faggot hahaha im actually bi and I use the word all the time XD tbh that's like telling a black guy off for calling his black friend a nigga (in anons case the black guy isn't truly black then...try telling a black guy he's not black cuz he uses the word nigga)

eruggg it pisses me off ew. i was going to post this picture on the answer but i though the anon might get upset and shout at meXD
omg this person talking about bi and faggot hahaha im actually bi and I use the

5 questions- 1) opinion on me? 2) do you like or watch any sports? 3) What was your dream as a little girl/boy? 4) Do you like the Xbox or Ps3? 5) How's life?

BrosBeforeHoessssssss’s Profile PhotoTerry Valentine
1) you look lovely 2)nopeXD 3)my dream was to meet dick and dom (i have now;3) 4) i do:3 5) life is fucking terrible.

On here you make a point of lettin everyone know the you are 'bi' yet you use the word 'faggot' like its okay? If you truly were bisexual and not attention seeking you would not use that word.

i don't mean it offensively that's why i usually put ";)" after, and yeah of course im attention seeking:L "if you truly were bisexual and not attention seeking"
if you where truly a nice person and not trying to hurt someone you would fuck off. keep your opinions to yourself dickhead.

You said sexuallity shouldn't be use as an insult yet here you are calling people faggots? Might want to have a think about that one:))))

and you might want to have a think about FUCKING OFF.

Don't be rude about people's twitter icons? That girl Lilly is very pretty and who are you to say she isn't? I thought you were 'bullied' by people clearly not. If you were in fact bullied you would never do the same to other people. It would do you good to spend a day in the life of someone who is.

I was sticking up for lilly omfgXD you have seen one answer and not the rest, you didn't see the conversation we had after so stfu.


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