

Ask @rcindyy

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Masker alami buat nge cerahin wajah apa yaa?

putih telur campur lemon kata orang, LEMON ya bukan MAMA LEMON hahahahahahah walopun sama2 bikin kinclong

kalo ngajak ketemuan mantan pacar yg udah punya pasangan,salah gak?

kalo pacar lo diajak ketemuan sama mantannya marah ga?

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Quotes favorit!

its the little things that count the most; carpe diem; be good, do good, and good will come to you

Gue punya temen. Entah kenapa dia selalu berusaha nyaingin gw. Pdhal gw berniat temenan sm dia baik2. Kdang sikapnya yg gamau kalah sm gw bner2 bikin kesel. Enaknya diapain ya tu orang kek bgtu? Atau gw baiknya gmn? :) cuek aja tp nyesek? :')

temenan apa saingan cuy? hahaha ngomong langsung aja jujur

Would you erase 😄😉😞😠😮👧your most precious memories to become smarter?

if that makes me a million times smarter, why not. I wouldn't know I had that memory anyway

What or who motivates you to get out of bed every morning?

My family, indonesian and american family, and my sweet and I always repeat this in my mind "I've got to graduate law school as soon as possible with the best grade I could possibly get so I can work and do whatever I want"


Language: English