

Everything I do to reignite this friendship, he always try to ignore it. Like last seen chats or whatever type of communication. How should I confront this? Its 2 years of isolation. Fuck, whatever I did wrong in the 1st place I don't even know. Man I miss him.

ok this is not bout me

Latest answers from sharif

You seem like a person who is not easily attracted to people in a romantic way, and I'd love to be one because I hate it when my life is often affected negatively by these pointless feelings as it kills my mood thinking of it. Can you slap me with a reality check?

duh..... dah tauk pointless, buat apa layan.... come on la abang/kakak (whatever gender u r)

Would you consider yourself good at giving advice?

mana mungkin daku mampu menggoncang perspektif para insan

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