

Ask @recklesslyStupid

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who's helen?

[7:54:20 PM] ♦ ♣ Pocarisweat: someone is asking who you are on ask
[7:54:22 PM] ♦ ♣ Pocarisweat: hao2respond
[8:00:15 PM] ♦ ♣ Pocarisweat: http://prntscr.com/4evnpa
[8:00:17 PM] ♦ ♣ Pocarisweat: they lurkin
[8:03:39 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: HAHAHAHAHHA
[8:03:41 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: um
[8:03:43 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: just
[8:03:53 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: delete it or answer it however u want
[8:04:07 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: but if u dont wanna answer it then just delete . GOD LEO. SO DIFFICULT
[8:05:03 PM] ♦ ♣ Pocarisweat: i thought you had something witty i could put
[8:05:57 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: like
[8:05:59 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: um
[8:06:00 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: hm
[8:06:03 PM] Heavenly Helen Han: " my mom"


After talking to her some more she's actually a p. chill girl who I can talk about dicks with and it won't even be fucking awkward if we say lovesies. Like. Yo. That's cool. She's like a second Madeline. 'Cept I've never poked her boob. P. cool. Yeah.
10/10 would never bang never forget.

To be rude (//or to be realistic as Kat said) Helenenen.

2rude or 2realistic. whynotboth.
I fucking hate the fact she can't accept compliments. Like. Bitch. Please. Fuck you. Take it. I'm being honest. I mean, I have nothing against you, but I really can't stand your self consciousness. Like okay I understand, but that's not gonna go away if you just keep denying it. I'm being honest. Those other guys you dated may have only dated you for your looks BUT GODAMMIT QURL I LIKE YOU CUZ YOURE YOURSELF. DON'T CHANGE HELEN. 10/10 WOULD NEVER BANG NEVER FORGET.

I think its Alexis

I thought she wasn't even able to go on these sites anymore?
Or is that just in school.
Doesn' matter who it is though. It's pretty neat either way c:

Hi Neal I need to tell you something Your always being wierd but thats awesome cause you make everyone smile even when your not trying I wish I could be funny like u.You don't try to be anyone else but you and your nice to everyone and I LOVE you for that thank you for being the way you are-A friend

To be honest, this kinda made my face turn red for abit.
Thanks you friend~!


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