

Ask @recovery_worthit

I think it stopped for few months. I didn't really keep track of it. ?

ohhhh ehhh try eating more high fat food! but tbh i can't tell u much cuz idk how's your diet and stuff and the best person who can advice u is your/a doctor

I think my period stopped and I'm quite worried... What should I do?

eh how long have it stopped for? do u have a doc? maybe tell your doc?

When did you find out that she told the whole class?

eh when i went back to school after my first admission

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But she hurt you. Did she had a reason why she told someone else? Maybe she was peer pressured into saying bc my best friend told me before that she was super stressed out as everyone at school was asking about me and demanding to know

i don't think so. she likes to gossip around a lot so.

How did your childhood friend get the convo? Is your childhood friend close to your close friend?

eh no but she q close to that friend my close friend spread to

Are you sure she's the one who told your class? Could it be your classmates who guessed? Because if she really did then she doesn't deserve to be your friend anymore

yeah my childhood friend even send me the convo that my close friend had with the one she spread it to

So they both told you that someone was spreading it?

eh no my childhood friend told me that my close friend told another friend then now the whole class know

How do you know they spread it around? Or are you guessing?

nope i am not guessing one of my friend told me

You don't trust your friend to keep your secret?

i trust them before and from what i know they spread it ard soooo


cause tbh i don't think they will understand and like the more that people know, the more likely that it will be spread around. honestly i had a fair share of rumours and i rly had enough so rather not take that risk. might sound cowardy or rude but really tho it's too difficult.

Oh :( I don't blame her because people without ed won't understand the torture of having to continuously eat and eat. She does not know you are not fully recovered?

nope idk if u saw my dayre so just gonna put it up here

You told one of your friends? How did she react?

she was envy that i could stay in hospital and slack all day zzz i mean it's not even fun especially when all u can do it eat and eat and not move at all!

But friends are your pillars of support. Tbh I felt super relieved and happy after i told my best friend about my condition. She was super supportive and very encouraging:)

idk i feel like they won't understand. like i only told one of my friend about my ed and she thinks that like i have already recovered. it's just so difficult to explain.


cuz it's kinda awkward i mean like i don't really talk to them now and like there will be a lot of questions asked...

That means you would not be attending school for the rest of the year?

eh not cfm yet but most likely not if i retain


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