

Would u want to leave Singapore to work overseas?

Haha if it's for a short term job, then okay why not! :) But definitely not a long term migration! I love Singapore and my family here too much hehehe!

Latest answers from Recoverypixie

Is it true that you must reach your pre-ED weight to get your period back?

I really don't know about this ? I had to reach the weight where I lost my period! :) I guess that'd be the setpoint weight!

how long did u take to get your period? did u have to pass your pre ed weight to get it? or u just entered the healthy range?

8-9 months??? HAHAHA! Nope I didn't pass my pre-ED weight :) I'm at my pre-ED weight!

you're eating so healthy! and still have your period? that's good but I want to do that too :( how did you do it? positive mindset?

Mhmm! I do eat healthily but I also let myself indulge :) I enjoy healthy food but love desserts hahaha! It's all about your own body's balance :) I eat healthily not to lose weight or to restrict really! ? It just makes me feel good inside and out! Before regaining my period tho, I made it a point to eat higher fats and caloric foods like PB and Avocados so maybe that helped? :) But yes maintaining a happy and positive mindset will definitely help too :)

Hello can I ask while nearing your healthy weight do you still get hungry? How about during/after reaching?

Yessss! Actually it was when I was very near being WR that my hunger and appetite grew and I had extreme hunger more often hahaha! But it's okay la I mean it helped me regain weight and regain my period :)

did you take supplements in recovery? and how many months did you take to be weight restored? :)

Nope I didn't! :) I really had to convince and show consistent improvement so they agreed not to enforce supplements for me! I took about 8-9 months :)

Did u continue to gain weight after reaching healthy bmi? I've been gaining quite a bit of weight but kinda worried that I can't stop gaining :/ and how do you know when to stop gaining weight?

YESSSSS I'm above my MHW but I really don't mind :) Hahaha because I have my period now so I guess I've found my set point weight? :) I really didn't know when I'd stop gaining but it'll help if you just not worry! Your body WILL find its own balance! Worrying does nothing good for you mentally or physically :) Focus on what matters! Like your relationships, self-happiness, goals, etc!

how many eggs do you allow yourself eat per day as i heard its not good for the body if it too much (?) do you avoid egg yolks ?

I try to limit to two eggs per day! But I do not take the yolks as I am not a fan of egg yolks unless they're the runny kind :)

do you exercise during recovery ? how to stop to guilt from not exercising and eating lots tho :( do i need to eat so much to gain weight

Nope!!! I really only started exercising after I got my period back and gradually incorporated it into my life! :) I guess the best way to tackle it is to force yourself not to! And ask yourself repeatedly, whether you want to live the rest of your life a slave to the exercising urges. That you cannot have a good day without exercising. That's sad no? ?
Anyway, exercising delays periods and worsens water retention. Nahhhhh not worth it! :)
You do have to eat quite a bit! But take that as a positive thing :) Food is not just for energy, but also for enjoyment! Just let go of the control and slowly try to start enjoying food again! One meal at a time, remind yourself how life is too short to pass up a good meal ???✨

Hi Calista, honestly do the ED thoughts ever go away? Have they gone away for you?

Nope they haven't :) But you do get better at tackling them!!!! ?☝? You have to be willing to challenge them at first but have faith that you will get stronger! I honestly still do get ED thoughts and urges but less frequent and not as loud now :) And I know they'll slowly get lesser and lesser!!!

Language: English