

Ask @remothejerk

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Exactly. "Wide Awake" talaga yun best song of the night, IMO. They all shined! Too many Jitty feels, pero ok na rin :) Super amazing yun, yun laging stuck sa utak ko :) And I agree with the Demi part. Si Adam rin! Yun mga "Ooh and yeah" niya sa Roar. Hahahaha. I agree with Applause. The vocals are m

Jitty in what way exactly? Anyway, what I really love about the episode is the Jarley thing. I mean, the love triangle is not that new but getting to see Marley suspended is pretty much refreshing. Anyway, how was my LAME story? I need your input. Sorry if it's sooo gay. Haha

Haha. Ok lang yun ;) I love long replies from you :) Hahaha. I love this ep too. Parang they make bawi talaga from the previous sad tribute :) Hahaha. I love Pamela Lansbury too! Hahaha :) And Demi! Aaaah :) Hahahaha. Yun Applause? Hmmmm. Meh lang. Parang super random lang talaga yun "A Katy in a Ga

I just love how the Applause performance paid close tribute to the genius music video. Pero yung pianaka-musical gem is yung "Wide Awake". Plus, Jenna's singing. About Demi naman, God she nailed that "I got the eye of the tiger" like nobody's business. I just really, really love the episode. I actually watched it a couple of times. Btw, you're reading my story? Oh em

Hmmm. :) Marley will sing "Wrecking Ball" next ep. Are you excited? Hahaha. I'm reading your story. Nabasa ko lang ngayon sa answers mo. :)

I know right. I really enjoyed this week's ep, as in. I can't even get the "Applause" number out of my mind. And I love the change in Marley's attitude. Finally, the Ohio side shines for a change. But don't get me wrong, I love Pamela Lansbury especially Starchild. Sexy ni Glambert! Sorry if I said a lot. I'm just happy na the happier Glee is back. *u*

Sorry :) Haha. Hindi ko naman yun ex. Haha. Wala akong ex. Hihi. Iba siguro yun Remo :) Sorry medyo pahabol Hahaha

Siguro nga. Sayang, like ko pa naman sya. Lol

Philippines is now facing the strongest super typhoon on Earth for 2013 and one of the strongest in the history, now what can you do/say for the Filipinos?

Stay strong. Bagyo lang yan, Pilipino tayo. Haha


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