maam uz dlouhoo :D tesis se na CZHW? :3

Tesim se uplne strasne moc xD A jsem strasne zvedava na contest *O* Ale nejvic se tesim na tu fun :DD

Latest answers from Ren

How did you meet your best friend?

Hallyu event - 1200 BC.There was this korean-but-not-really gull embarrassing herself on stage - just like me and a bunch of other people (sunny, luu... im looking at you). And she looked like an absolute bitch and a total ass so I though: WE SHALL BE FRIENDS! And since then I've devoted my life to stalking her, mocking her, feeding her, calling her when she's asleep (2pm, 2am, anytime! I can strike with extreme precision), annoying the shit out of her and overall just making her life as miserable as possible.

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

Dance...I've broken the dance(like break dance...get it? And yes I actually have broken a few dances)

Přijdeš se podívat na contest? Kdo je tvůj favorit?

Pridu urcite! A favorita nemam :D Moc jsem to nesledovala, takze z toho vseho znam asi 4 skupiny (vystupovat jsem videla asi jen 2, takze vubec netusim, co ostatni predvedou) a vubec treba nevim, kdo z jednotlivcu se dostal pres predkolo (sorry guys). Takze se tesim na vsechny, protoze vubec nevim, co mam cekat :3 Myslim, ze to pro mne bude i vic exciting, nez kdybych tam uz sla s tim, ze vim jak na tom vsichni jsou :D

What is the one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?

Who cares! I've seen EXO, BTS, BAP, INFINITE, MISS A, BLOCK B, SHINEE, SNSD, NINE MUSES, AOA, IU, T-ARA, K.WILL, JUNG JOON YOUNG and I will see BTS, VIXX, GOT7, MBLAQ, BLOCK B and BTOB.....woah wait wat seems like I can die now

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