
Richard Holliday

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

A few. I don't really have "best friends" per se; though there are a few people I'd say I can talk more deeply to.
Yes, some of them are IRL and some are interweb people.

Latest answers from Richard Holliday

Why do you have such a high opinion of yourself when you are quite clearly socially challenged (particularly when it comes to women, although a lack of body confidence probably has something to do with that)?

lol, wtf?!
This question came across as pretty confrontational. I wouldn't say I have a high opinion of myself on a personal level; rather, I feel my work is Not Complete Shit and thus deserves a bigger airing than I feel it gets at the moment. I'd be intrigued as to know why you feel I'm thinking highly of myself?
I've actually had a history of feeling quite bad about myself (high school was very tough socially) and yeah, I'm indeed socially awkward; my introverted nature is certainly at play there. Mentioning "body confidence" and issues with women shows you're missing the point or don't really know me; sure, I suppose body confidence is a low-lying issue for me but not in regards to women as I'm actually asexual.
And I'm happy about that.
Intrigued as to who asked this as it's a pretty deep dissection by the looks of it. Bit saddened that whoever posted this doesn't seem to know me as well as I'd like.

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Could you live without a computer?

Probably, though my wrist would kill me.
(Because I'd have to write long-hand; get your mind out of the gutter!) :-P

What's the coolest thing you've ever seen in a museum?

All the things! Museums even of themselves are totally cool! :-D

Language: English