
Richard Suhendra

Ask @richardsuhendra

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Who is the bravest person you know?

Some would describe me as "Yolo to the point of suicidal" but I call it bravery!
Which is to say it's me :3

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You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?

The song with Freddie mah boy

What is your favorite restaurant? Where is it located?

There was this one restaurant in Iceland that had amazing fish although it did also sell whale and puffin
Liked by: Marco

have u ever felt so heartbroken before?

A bit I guess although it wasn't like soul crushing heartbreak it was just a bit sad at the point
Liked by: kria

I thinks the answer are is as much wood as a woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could chuck the wood. Arnold is sads :(

Arnold is happy he is tree now

Hi jim here, one question, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Hey Jim. I believe that the woodchuck would chuck an Arnold amount of wood


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