
Rifanni Putri Andina

Latest answers from Rifanni Putri Andina

What are some things that make you really happy?

ada yang tiba2 bawain makanan kali ya. gampang laper banget akhir2 ini

Menurut lo, apa yang paling penting dalam sebuah hubungan?

trust each other, sacrifice each other, understanding each other, and communicating each other👌🏻

Mending pacaran atau tidak pacaran?

get a relationship when you are ready. i got a huge fighting with my sister 3 days a go because she cried to had a ldr with her bf and it affected her focus on her first year college. i tried to give her advices but she got me wrong so we argued a lot. from that I can get a conclusion, age is matter. my sister still 18, and i know that’s really unstable emotion stage of every person. i did it too years a go.
tapi alhamdulillah selama kuliah w jomblo sih, jd bisa fokus kuliah. lulus tepat waktu dan nilai juga memuaskan. Toh pas lulus juga dapet pacar eheeee 😜🤟🏻

Kebahagiaan apa yg di dpatkan hari ini?

my bf finally home after both of us hv our own so much activities. Yei. Semoga menjadi weekend yg menyenangkan walaupun lg ga enak badan dan capeqqqq sangat😭

lebih milih dicintai atau mencintai?

actually there’s no such a thing between love or to be loved. kamu dicintai sama orang yg ngga kamu cintai itu ngga enak lho sebenarnya. perhatian2 yg orang tsb berikan ke kamu pun kamu gabisa menikmatinya. Begitu pula, ketika kamu di posisi yg mencintai. Mencintai orang yg ngga ada hati ke kamu itu sakitnya luar biasa juga😂
So, both are combined. We can’t choose🤷🏻‍♀️
If you are a lucky person, I mean the luckiest person in the world, the one who you love decided to love you back ❤️

Siapa yang lebih mudah cemburu - perempuan atau laki-laki?

it’s interesting😄
i’ll admit that i’m the typical of person who getting jealous easily✌🏻😊 my bf knows that so he tried so hard to not doing something in order to prevent me getting mad (or he will die because he creates world war III 😂😂😂).
I thought my bf never get jealous since he never be angry or having a problem if I sometimes have a communication with my ex. I did complain once. I was curious why he didn’t get jealous (yeah woman, complicated, i know✌🏻)
Until one day, I posted some moment with my guy friend in my social media account, my bf knows who he is, but still suddenly my bf was getting mad like really really mad😂😂😂
I’m not sure, siapa yg lebih mudah cemburu perempuan atau laki2, but based on my experience i could conclude that both of man and woman have the same portion of jealousy. Bedanya: kalo cewe cenderung ditunjukkan dan berkali2, kalo cowo ngga seberapa ditunjukkan, tp sekali ditunjukkan syerem cuy😭😂😅

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Language: English