

Ask @riitaab

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Roudy Khoueiry?

sayrin ne7ke kl ywmn t2rbn
dymn houwwe byet7achar w bye7kine
bi loumne enne ma bes2al :w
ktir mnii7 w hkk
mse3adne bi kaza cha8le
w dymn bye7kine bs koun nitm
one of the kidness friends ever ♥
Liked by: Roudy El Khoueiry

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you know jane nohra?

np bt i follow you intsa/ask x_x
i hope to be frnds with you
idk kif jite 3l ask 3nde w chft ur answers w 7abbet so i flwd u :p
w deja ure ray's gf

Où étais-tu il y a 3 heures ?

with the cousins at nahr brahim and were at bchare , arez and hardin ..amazing day ♥

post a pic collage with abed and who ever likes thinks you should get back together

chunzakarak hl2 ? -,-
w min enta ? :p
an oke law we won't get any like :p

can u post a pic of u that could kill a guy tonight :$

nah thanks
am on a diet , ma fine ekoul la7em b3ajin hl fatra
maybe nxt year mtl hl w2t nchalla .

eh eh i'am sorryyy :o mab2a 3id w o8lat m3ik :( w btkle t3ool wwe bi le2me mtl oreoooooooooooooooo ur exotanil :o:$

haahahahah :$ miyye miyyee (H)

sar yn5afffff minikk srte todrbeeeeeee :o ana ma b2a istrje o8lat wala 7ara charbl :o boxik mafi minooo :o smallaahh 3lykeeee foote wwe :o

wlk ana af5am mn wwe 3-|
so nw take care w hekee 3-|
5abberoun edde warramet 3a my box ? 3-|

Danijr???? :o

bmiut fiiii
ad ma 3azbo w aw2t koun m3o (n)
bidal ktir mni7 m3e w dymn 7adde
byensa7ne ktiiir
mnemza7 ktiiir
w mn 5abbir b3d kl chii

hahaha ya2alla ma ahdamik tb hal2 ana gtg :( i'll catch up with yaa later ;) btw ana furn el chebbek :o dw anaba3ti 7a2 l taxi ;*

eh tir 3etlee ham
rkab l taxi wnfell:$
baii :*


Language: English