
Riza Prapascatama

Latest answers from Riza Prapascatama

Which fictional character would you date?

Elli at Harvest Moon Back to Nature or Yuna at Final Fantasy X
If they are real *i hope so, i think both of them my type :D

Do you believe in happy endings?

Yes i believe it. If you do your best on anything, i think 80% you can get happy endings

haha, maap lupa matiin anon. wish you all the best deh bro :D

Iyaa, sukses juga buat dsna ya, kalo bs double degree ksni lah buat s2 ny heehee

betah bang di sana? udah ketemuan sama mas berto? makanannya gimana?

Ni sita ya ? mas berto jauh blm sempet ketemu, 3 jam dr sini ketmpt ny, makanan ny agak ssh untk yg halal

Language: English