
Rizka Melina F.

Ask @rizkamelina

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Imdesc akuuuuu

unbiological sister, kalimantan, temen ngalong mah kita. teman selfie, teman nonton film, teman curhat, kalo curhat ya topiknya mbulet disitu2 aja.... tapi sekarang udah jarang:( u're the first person who knows how crazy i'm. contohnya... telfonan di dalem lemari terkunci ,hangout dgn uang ngepas, belajar ngomong ke papa di tengah jalan sesuai dengan skenario kita, izin ke situ malah pergi ke tempat lain, dll. suka bgt gangguin org telfon dulu z.
"harga renang disinghasari berapa ya?"
"masih sama si itu kah?"
"gigit aku ajaa"
"ha! duitku tinggal segini"
"kemarin aku chat sama dia"
"sabar, aku selalu ada buat ica" sok sosweet de:3
"ya tidur sengantuknya"
"ca.. ga main ke kamar mbak ta?" > waktu aku ngambek
"iya ca, dia dulu blablabla"
*cerita jaman sma*
*cerita mantan"

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If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?

Only one name came to mind... and it's the name of the only person I refuse to make an effort with anymore. Ouch><.Thought.. I won't do restore any broken relationship. For me, broken is still broken. God let you see another better relationship later.. Hehehe

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What makes you wake up each morning?

My dad, The damn alarm ringing for me to get up and go to the hole in my life that is called "school."

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

Speak any language fluently


Language: English