

ohhh wow really , thanks for being honest think its kinda petty she tellin a diff story smh

Everybody gone have they own side to a story true enough most of the time it's more blame on the man but as a man I take that she made her mistakes as did I, all that matters to me is being perfect as a father the rest I careless about.

Latest answers from marco

smh hate your baby mother . she post pics with diff niggas ., out of town pic , pics just too get likes obviously , but barely any pics with you guy's child smh shit pisses me tf off cause sooooo many fckn women want a man like you. she slick childish and really immature . and even I can see that .

Shit it's her life she single I can't control that just smh n keep it moving that's all I can do ya dig

crazy its always the other way around with dead beat parents. I salute you . GREAT JOB . We need more you

Appreciate it

why does your bby mom . fail as a mother .? your kid I's precious and shes missing out

I wouldn't say she fails just gone take something to happen for her to realize she loves em just hate me n that's how it goes

What do you love the most about the lady in your life? ...not including your mother or sisters. You're a good looking guy so im positive you arent completely alone? Is she the type of woman that's worth fighting for if necessary?

Even thou I'm not in a full blown relationship I would say, loyalty and independence. The fact that she don't need me, that she wants me, if I was to fall off she could hold me down. It's always 50/50 not 90/10 like I'm normally used to.

How many women have you slept with?

You ll be surprised not that many I was tied up with one woman up into 3 years ago. With age comes wisdom can't just stick this in just anybody.

Language: English