

halo cantik/ganteng^^ Menjual Jam, Converse & Vans Galaxy/Ombre/Leopard/Polos, Jansport, Case HP, Cath Kidston, Liptint Etude, dll. Koleksi lengkap cek ig (@petrus_shop) #ps: tolong bantu answer agar jualannya laku. Answer kamu akan membantu.thx☺ #maaf.spam #kalau sdh prnh tdk usah answer ;D

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quotes fav?

“it’s okay to make mistakes and it’s okay to not be good at everything”
“A woman who loves you is to be respected and not to be crossed”

Kenapa ikan maenan air terus tapi nggak pernah masuk angin? Kenapa? 😐

Kenapa ikan ngga merem kalo tidur? Kenapa?

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