
just robyn

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What the fuck is going on?!
Why is it no one is doing anything about all the shit happening globally,if i had any power any fucking power at all the wankers on best cribs and the football players and the celebrities would have at least half of their income taken away each month and given to charity, for the people that need it to survive. The best part is they’d actually be grateful for it as well, they might actually say thank you!
And what the fuck is with the constant judging,its not cool at all. 11 year old girl gets pregnant..She’s not fucking asexual!,it takes two but nobody blames the one with the penis. Yeah fair she might like to sleep around but you don’t know shit, you don’t know if she was raped,you don’t know her story.
Why are the divorce rates so high, forgive me if I’m wrong but i thought when you married someone its because you love them and you want to spend the rest of your life with them, not marry them, fuck them, get them pregnant and divorce them that’s not how it works! Muslims believe you should still live with each other for a while after announcing you want a divorce and try and work shit out, why can’t more people do that, because they’re lazy, it would be easier to walk out. But that’s the main problem with today’s society isn’t it, we’re fucking lazy, we watch people struggle, we’re out for ourselves and I’m saying this from an overall point of view because no ones fucking perfect, no one can say they’ve never walked past a homeless person with change in their own pocket because most of the time people don’t look, they don’t look for imperfections because in this day an age we as a society cover it up, we cover up the blemishes and pretend everything is “okay” but its not, no one looks for the fake smile on peoples faces, or the look of deep sorrow that follows when no ones looking because no one wants to know! And when they hear that you’re “fine” they know your not, of course they do but when they live such a perfect life why would they even bother to delve into the darkness that is our generation, the 90’s kids, the teenagers that are all so unhappy.

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No matter what happens remmeber what an incredible person you are, beautiful, loving and kind. You are needed, never forget that

awh thats sweet thankyou:)

You're made up of nothing more than you. Simply, beautifully, wonderfully, uniquely you. You're a lovely and complex soul. An individually fascinating combination of toughts, ideas, feelings, emotions. no other is as beautiful as you

um wow, thankyou


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