

Ask @robokid228

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Food for soul or music for soul?

Music heals. But food is damn good. Both are for the soul, no questions about!

What is something that everyone looks stupid doing???

Protestors going for gun control. Our second amendment right has saved more asses than it has killed, they blame the gun instead of the person pulling the trigger, why? To disarm the public is to conquere. Divided already, to conquere is to strip us of our right to protect and defend ourselves. Once that is done, start digging your grave.

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What’s your all-time favorite snack?

Fruit, basically everything but I like fruit the most, healthy and delicious!!

How to get rid of bedbugs in the room?

I say set it on fire. Blame a faulty phone charger. Lol no, best route would be to call an exterminator, they are very difficult and tedious to get rid of yourself.

It's Black Friday! Are you going to be extra cautious today?

Yeah, I'm gonna stay home and sleep, who wants to join? Lmao

What is best way to jollify for you?

A girlfriend/cuddle buddy, now accepting applications! (females only lol)

If you were an anime character. Which character you want to be ? post a picture if you can.

Probably royuk or whatever the death God is so I can threaten then with death lol

Do you like to be out of your comfort zone? What do you feel at that moment?

Depends on what the situation is.

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

I would go into the past and prevent my dog from being hit by that big red tow truck and bring her back to the future with me.
Liked by: Emerson Leach


Language: English