

Ask @robokid228

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Would you rather find $100,000 that you can keep or find $1 million dollars that you have to give to charity?

AdrianaRafaela98’s Profile PhotoAdriianna Rafaella
$100,000 that i can keep, because then i can donate $1,000 to 10 charitys as opposed to 1 million to 1 charity. Or, i can use it to buy my dream car/house, or take some time off work. See, if i find and have to donate 1 million, people are gonna think im rich and will beg for money that i dont have, whereas if i had the 100K, i could say here ya go! Or not! Lol

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You ever just want to live self sufficiently in the woods on purpose?

TheBeardedLumper’s Profile PhotoA-a-ron!
Im ready to build a house in the middle of 400 acres near a stream with solar panels and wind turbines


Language: English