

Ask @rollupcandy

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Will you be reposting your stories again?

I answered another anon a few qns back that at this moment i'm not so sure. some stories have been reposted but i'm still debating on others

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hi! obligatory catch up session :D what have you been up lately? what made you happy! what made you sad! how are you!

hello bb!! lately i'm into teen wolf lol late to the party and i've started looking for ebooks to read so i spend plenty of time browsing goodreads lists. also i'm learning to cook a few of my favourite dishes! i prefer baking so this is pretty new to me trying to make noodle dishes. catching up with my friends last week made me happy, i was dreading it but when i met them i realised i missed them i really should go out and hang out with people more. if anything made me sad it's usually family oh well don't dwell on the sad things~ i'm good i think hahha i've been trying other things so i haven't really had time for twitter or kpop and i think that's a good thing in a way, it makes me feel lighter.

i really want to read your daddy!kris x fem!sehun fic but you deleted your journal :( i googled 'rollupcandy' and fortunately i found your askfm so i can ask you directly, is there any chance to read your fics again?

ah well i haven't uploaded any of my fics elsewhere but i am considering uploading some on ao3 but it's not for certain and it won't be so soon. i'm sorry :/

How many pillows do you sleep with?

3 one for the head and another on each side. i can't sleep knowing that there's nothing against my back :(

What's your favourite kdrama?

umm, well this is kinda hard to choose. I'm really into historical dramas so i'd say hwangjini cause ha jiwon is also my favourite actress. and probably queen seondeok that drama is epic

what is a dealbreaker for you when it comes to potential partners

i guess guys who smoke. i really can't stand smokers even in my own family, i'm allergic to the smoke and i hate the smell.

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?

Once? When i'm combing my hair unless I'm outside then probably multiple times like after meals etc.

You're a hypocrite you couldn't accept fans who supported Baekhyun and Taeyeon

Lol seriously? Byuntaeng issue is different from wyf issue. My rants abt Baek was not cause I can't understand why fans support them. I was happy for them at first but anyone who knows me is aware that Baek is one of my least fav anyways. I was just baffled at how most fans went like "you fans are delusional Baek doesn't owe you anything you have no right to be upset" cause I can see why kfans/baekstans were upset till they resorted to leaving exo etc but pro byuntaeng just shot them down instead of trying to understand why they feel that way. And yes it upset me when that happened cause don't you see, Baek losing fans means exo losing fans too.

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

this is so random but umm the qt ones. penguins!! or polar bears, or probably pandas cause we have them on loan from china

do you have a copy of your stories saved? would it be possible to request them?

yes i do, i didn't delete them from my laptop. i could probably clean them up and have them in pdf but it depends on which stories i guess.

can i ask why you decided to delete? i'm going to miss you ;_;

I thought of just leaving the fics up but then I felt uncomfortable with it so I decided to just delete it all. :/ aww, that's really sweet of you. maybe we can talk on twitter or something :)

i was on someones sekai tag when i saw a link to your sekai fic? the one in which jongin slept over at sehuns, but the link says.journal has been deleted and below i saw u said u've quit writing? i found this askfm by googling ur username kkkk. is there still a way for me to read ur stuff? i really

Hi, yupp i decided to delete my journal this time. Well, idk if i'm ever gonna enable my journal within 30 days or I'll delete it permanently, sorry. My journal is the only place I uploaded my fics so unless someone has a copy idk where you can read them :/

Ok, an anon left me a qn abt how do i write something along those lines and i answered it but now both qn and answer disappeared??? so anon, i hope you see this

Ah thank you! <3 I don't think there's any success related with my writing hahha that's a bit of an exaggeration. Just write! Don't think abt anything else. It depends on what your motivation behind writing is I suppose. Some people do it for the fame(so they're particular abt what other ppl think, getting comments etc), some just have ideas they need to pen now and no one else seemed to have it written... I think writing for yourself and not others is the best way to go abt it. I write for my own enjoyment, so I enjoy writing much more than before. There was a time other people's opinions mattered greatly to me but it was pressurising and I didn't enjoy writing at that point in time.
For stories like (I'll Be Waiting) Right Here, my inspiration was my friend and how successful her first date with this guy was. It was really cute so I started thinking how it'd be like for exo on their first dates and that's how I wrote the fic. Having inspiration and great imagination helps in writing so you shouldn't shy away from day dreaming about the members and how they'd interact with one another in certain situations so that you can transform those images into words!
I hoped I answered your question in some way! :) and thank you again for reading my fic!

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I've just found out you won't be writing anymore and I'm really sad :( I loved your fics

Aww i'm sorry? :/ i didnt think anyone would care i really didnt intend to make anyone sad. There's still a few fics i've promised people so other than those there really wont be any new posts from me. Thank you though, you're really sweet <3

Hi dear, it's Anny again. I just wanted to swing by and make sure you're okay.

Hiiii i'm ok i guess? Lol sorry i suck at making friends ㅠㅠ

Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?

Cat person i'm scared of dogs unfortunately which is funny cause i have pictures of me when i was 4 playing with dogs

do you have a tumblr???

Hi i do but it's really not that active anymore? My internet is too shit to load tons of pictures

hii! i am a silent reader. can we make requests here? as long as its not a trigger for you, would you ever write a self harm/cutting (without suicide) fanfic (characters/idols open to whoever you'd write most comfortably with this)? -airanimechiic.livejournal

Hi, yes sure I'm open to requests. Actually I'm doing something for vday/white day so why don't you head over to my lj comm and leave a more specific request :)


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