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Latest answers from camila.

We already have a camilla here

soooooooo cool, but that doesn't stop me from going back to my account whop

when we were 8 years old and we were asked what we wanted to be when we grow up, we would say things like astronaut and scientist and inventor and ballet dancer. but somewhere along the way that little light in us dims and the voice of fear becomes so loud we can't even hear the voice of our passions anymore. the voice of fear can sound like ur own doubts, it can sound like mean people, it can even sound like ur family or friends- people that laugh at ur dreams like u will never reach them. So we grow up and we settle. we work in jobs we hate. we pick majors we don't even care about. we stay in places where we cannot express ourselves. we play it safe. and every other person that sacrificed that little kid in them will act like its the normal thing to do. when u choose to take the risk, people will act like you're the craziest person in the world. GOOD. don't be normal. Dont let anybody, not even yourself, stop u from becoming who you want to become. don't let anybody tell you who they think you should become. ur life is a blank canvas. and u can choose any colors u want. so dream big. be kind. work REALLY hard. and no matter how old u get, never ever ever grow up

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