

Ask @rrvv15

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Describe what a good friend means to you?

a good friend or even a best friend is somebody who cares about you, no matter what. he/ she would keep your secrets and your lovelife stories. he/she would never talk about you behind you. he/she would give advises for you in a nice way. he/she will be with you forever. he/she will be happy when you are happy, not happy when you are sad. he/she will be always there whenever you need him/her. for all of my good friends, i am very thankful for you ^_^
Liked by: rrvv15 Kei

#wednesdaywisdom berikan seseorang yang kamu kenal nasihat di sini

buat semua orang di dunia ini yang masih hidup dan terus berjuang tapi punya masalah (ya iyalah semua orang hidup pasti punya masalah).. happy wednesday kawan-kawan..
Liked by: Kei

Pap dungss

KeziaRebi24’s Profile PhotoKei
To my friends : Thanks for being there for me. I'm grateful for you. You'll be my BFF, forever and always. Hope you think so.
Liked by: rrvv15 Kei

Apa tiga lagu teratas pertama di dalam daftar lagu favoritmu?

saking banyaknya gak bisa disebut satu2 wkwkwk
Liked by: Kei

Desc me 🙋

KeziaRebi24’s Profile PhotoKei
1. Kezia
2. 7E
3. sering aku panggil Kei / rebi / rebicaa
4. teman papan tulisku
5. suaranya bagus bett
6. sering a cappella bareng di kelas
7. tulisannya bagus bett
8. absen 21
9. suka sama cupcake
10. cantik bett tp bnyk yg bilang mirip stroberi wkwkwk
11. baik bett
12. ramah bett
segitu aja yaa wkwkwk
Liked by: Kezia Rebecca Kei

quote terbaik??

artinya "wahai matematika, sana beli kalkulator dan selesaikan sendiri masalah-masalahmu. aku adalah seorang remaja, bukan seorang terapis (orang yang bekerja menyelesaikan sebuah masalah)" wkwkwkwk
Liked by: Kezia Rebecca Kei

desc balik :))

gxbriel28’s Profile PhotoGaby
1. gabriela
2. seringnya gaby, gabb, gebbun, gaby bun
3. anak #7EBeraniBeda
4. canzz
5. kece
6. baikzz
7. ramah
8. sahabatnya hellen, glenn, calista, dll
9. pas aku blm punya temen kmu baik bett
10. gaul
11. anak musik
12. suaranya bagus bett
13. deket sama @KeziaRebecca24
14. gatau lg gabb hehe
Liked by: ervinn Gaby Kei


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