
Silver and Kaija

Ask @runfreakrun

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What is the most expensive coffee you guys have ever bought? ☕

Well, in spite of living in the hipster capital of Europe, we tend to make our coffee at home. I can't think of any outrageously expensive ones we've ever bought. It makes for a boring answer :D

What did you have for breakfast, and what do you like to do when you aren't drawing/writing?

Chia-seed porridge with raisins, nuts, sliced apple and banana, and one sunny-side up egg. We drink it down with Pu-erh tea and coffee.
When not drawing and writing, we're reading books, playing games, watching movies, long walks - you know the normal procrastination deal! We're now curious about learning about tattooing, so hopefully we can pick that up properly in the future too! (but that's kind of drawing, right?)

What are the most uncommon things you get passionate about?

Arttur Liuksiala
Kaija: Growing plants from seeds and designing monster ear-rings.
Silver: Tanks. I can't get enough of tanks, and ancient civilizations.

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What is your favorite color combination or color palette?

Black and white, like the colors of our twisted souls.
But to be serious, I don't think we're conscious of our favorite color combinations. We do tend to make works that are more monochrome, and on the darker side, but it all depends a lot on what kind of a project were're working with. If the projects calls for bright and fun colors, then we can adjust to that, just as we can adjust to serious and gritty works.

Because the weather is starting to get colder, what would be your go to comfort meal for a cold/rainy fall day?

Home-made tomato soup with chorizo slices, and goat gouda cheese or a chicken tempura with a heavy load of ginger and chili and a side salad.
The tomato soup is really easy to make: Just slice 6 tomatoes to half, drop them to a pot with olive oil and spices, let them steam for a while and then push all the juices out of the parts. While doing that, on another pan you should fry some slices of chorizo's and then add them to the tomato soup (with the oil) and add cheese as well. Takes about 15 minutes, is deliciously full flavor, and good for the soul. You can also easily make a vegetarian version out of it by leaving out the chorizo and maybe supplementing it with a piece of bread.

What is the last thing you do before bed?

One of us is reading out loud from a fiction novel, while the other is playing games or tinkering with hobbies. We just read Dan Simmon's Ilium and now are moving to Joe Abercrombie's Half a King.

Gorilla vs. Tiger.... who wins?

I'm betting on pink space-gorillas that have descended from the skies in their spacecraft, landing in samurai-period Japan, and started ruling over all... (pink space-gorillas have been on our to do list to make a comic book out of them for a long while!)

Where are you two from and how did you meet?

We're both from Finland, but without Finnish nationalities. Silver was born in Estonia and moved to Finland at the age of three with his parents, while Kaija was born in Finland, but her parents were from Poland, and chose to keep that nationality for her.
Nevertheless, we both grew up in a small city of Turku (where we did not meet), and moved at the same time to study in the same college in Helsinki at the ripe age of 19, where we met on a train ride to school from our campus.
We had our first official date two days later, and moved in together couple of months after that. Nine years later, we've left Finland and traveled together working in England and Germany, in Cambridge, Frankfurt and Berlin, doing video games, comics, and novels.

Did you ever struggle with living and working together?

No, never. I think this freaks people out, but we work together like a well oiled machine and completely fall apart when we try to do projects alone. Go figure. Besides, for workaholics like us work and life melt together pretty seamlessly: everything is a project, be it stories, cooking, or a new hobby!
Or did you maybe have something more specific in mind?
Liked by: PatStarnes

What's your favorite comic/graphic novel that you are currently reading or have read recently?

Kaija: The most recent I've read was Rat Queens. If you think you're into comedic fantasy about foulmouthed, ass kicking antiheroes, then I heartily recommend it :)
Silver: I'm reading Paul Popes Battling Boy, and I just finished Nimona by Noelle Stevenson. They're both pretty edgy, funny, and full of action and jokes!

Which languages do you speak (more or less fluently)?

Amalija Vitezovic
Silver: I speak fluent English and Finnish. "Kind of okayish" Estonian, horrible Swedish, and some words of German I've picked up during the last.. 5 years of living here. Honestly, Germans are too kind, they let me get away with English with most things.
Kaija: Fluent English and Finnish here. Kind of okayish Polish but I'm losing that. Very basic Spanish, I understand some French, a few phrases of Swedish and I've just started learning German.
Liked by: PatStarnes

Out of all your tattoos which one is your favorite?

Edwin Gregory
Kaija: All my tattoos melt together as one big one, but there are eyes in the middle of my hand tattoo that are my favorite part of it.
Silver: Kaija just started tattooing me on my hand. It's really early, and small, but it's my favorite.
Liked by: Edwin Gregory

What is the furthest place from home you've visited?

Los Angeles, California. That was a really long flight (21 hours total), but after we saw the beaches of Santa Monica it was totally worth it. Living in middle of Europe or in Scandinavia, one doesn't really get to experience pristine beaches that often. It's not that the endless lakes or snow topped tree's are much worse, but come on - beaches.

Language: English