

Ask @russellmcc

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How long ago was the best sexual experience of your life? Was it with your current partner? (We ALL have one, or two, that stand out)

Best of my life was about 2years ago. But my current has come within millimeters of taking that title.

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Recently I tried to have sex in the shower. It involved a lot of slipping and fumbling, and almost a bloody nose. Any advice?

Put one of those lil rubber mats down on the floor of te tub I guess

You don't know what she going through bruh she's talks to me all the time I know more than you I can't believe she choosing you over me but yo weak ass gone so you giving me leeway to get her while she's down thanks fuckboy

I say do as you please. Or do what you think is best for yourself. And its clear why she's choosing me over you. Or I should say "ask her why she's choosing me over you" Lol and im not goin by choice I'm gone because I have a service to my country to protect ppl like you. One who I satisfied with just being normal and trying to do the shady things like ur explaining in ur messages. Maybe if u were more original she would choose you over me. Until then keep doing what your doing and see how far it gets ya.

I'm going to take her from you bruh please keep fucking up. Btw what's should I get her a teddy bear or this dick?

Sh*t I'll let it be your choice. Lol

We used to text all the time 24/7, now you just stopped texting me.

Sorry. If I knew who u were maybe I would text u again.

What made you laugh the hardest in your entire life?

Its something my lil bro did as. Child. Won't say what but it was hilarious

What's the worst lie you ever told? Did you get caught?

Uhm idk I'll have to get back to you on that one.

What's the difference between sex and making love? Have you ever made love?

You van have sex with anyone. You can only make love if it felt the same way through both parties.


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