

What question do you often ask yourself?

I ask myself many questions; usually being related to my existence and everything else's existence. Sometimes I think to myself about equations, sometimes social things. I think about ideas. :)

Latest answers from ᏒᏃ

What's your favorite music genre?

I have a little collection of songs that I really like... A few are by Ruth B (she's getting pretty popular now)

What was your favorite toy as a child?

A little doll. I think her name was dolly; her hair was messy and black. She had pale skin and wore a lavender outfit. I really loved that doll. :')

If you had to change your hair to any colour, what would it be? (It can be multiple colours)

I'd keep it as it is; as its natural colour. :)

Whats the best April Fools prank you've ever witnessed?

2015 Brookfield music camp - people put Morgan freeman posters up everywhere & filled the stage room with balloons 😊

Language: English