~Good afternoon mate! What kind of food makes you happy and what kind of food makes you puke?

Well, It's all about what I want to eat in that moment xD. But I'm always wishing to eat pasta 'n' milanesas(?). Some things like Eggs or excesive powdered juice (like Tang or Zuko) makes me feel bad.

Latest answers from Raizin

Qué bandas solés escuchar?

Pendulum, The Pillows, Grimes, Gorillaz, Rameses B, Fijiwiji, Blackmill, Tycho, The Avalanches, Crystal Castles, The Knife etcetcetcetc

Es verdad que te gusta "Soy la Comadreja"?

A veces de chico lo veía y me causaba bastante lo bizarro que era, ahora que lo vuelvo a ver cada tanto me gusta más porque capto xD

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