

Ask @ryansteeel

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YOUR FUCKING AMAZING AT SINGING AND I LOVE YOUR VOICE SOSOSOSOSSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! YOUR VIDOES ON YOUTUBE AND EVERYTHING, basically dont you dare listen to that jealous worthless cunt down there!!:O grrrrrr, some people make me vexed:(

awww thanks a lot!!x

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YOU ARE NOT AWFUL AT SINGING OMFG LEAVE RYAN ALONE HE IS A LOT BETTER THAN YOU GO DO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE YOU UTTER PRICK:/ and you should go have a warm bubble bath, have a cup of tea take some tablets, watch tv or lay down and just rest. Drink a glass of fresh water it will help x

Princess Amber
y u qt x

Hey, I'm so insacure about myself and everything I do like try and loose weight and try and look different doesn't work, I punch myself and don't do much with my friends any more, any advise? :(

no one is perfect, were all individual and unique, there is no certain weight or size, who to say youre too fat or too skinny? because youre a different weight than your friends? fuck the system, be original x

If you were really self conscious but you weren't really fat, just a wee bit podgy...would you try and lose weight? xx

nope! who cares about how much you weigh?xx


Language: English