

Ask @ryansteeel

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think you should listen to ed sheeran wake me up its amazing

ok i will! (rachel, i cant post your asks, it will just start shit)

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we arent being mean, its the truth you just wont believe it:(

i know yous arent being mean, im just saying incase ha! dont want her getting hate or that! xx

you haven't done anything wrong, we all care and you need people to talk to, she shouldn't be mad she should realise how much it hurts you

thank you<3 but, please no one be mean to her xxx

so maybe she gets mad for you writing about it on here but isnt it better that you're getting some of this all out and not holding it all in for so long? seems to me like you should be the one waiting for the apology if anything.... xxx

true! sigh its so fucked up xxx

Thats sweet that you care so much and love her so much, you're clearly an amazing boyfriend to her... its such a shame that she doesnt notice how much this is hurting you or if she does notice that she's not trying to fix it... Im so sorry for you Ryan ♥

thanks so much! im not perfect to her either, but i certainly do treat her like a princess most of the time (not being big headed) xxx

idk omg be a boy...like do your racing and that

you remembered! i dont have any friends to do stuff with x

Why is she waiting for an apology, seems to me like she's the one treating you badly...

because i wrote my feelings on here shes mad, but you people are the only people who care about me x

no i think you're tryna tell yourself she really cares about you, so it dont seem as bad, but maybe she doesnt? you need to talk to her tbh

ive spoke to her! she isnt speaking to me now, she will be waiting for an apology x

awh thats a shame, she's just not listening when you tell her? Sometimes the people you love the most are the people you have to let go of in order for things to get better ♥ xxx

i cant let her go, i used to be broken, like really broken, and she fixed me, and saved me from falling to pieces, i just cant feel the love and care anymore, i owe so much to her xxx

hold on, you love her and she loves you too but she treats you like shit? that doesnt make any sense? xxx


it sucks when you get too attached to people and then they dgaf

she does care, just, doesnt show it well..x

I'm sorry this probably isnt what you want to hear but maybe its what you need to hear... maybe it'd be best if you explained everything to her and just told her you can't go through with it any more? xxx

ive told her 100 times, i seriously dont want to lose her xxx


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