

Ask @ryansteeel

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These answers are making me upset for you... you seem to love this girl so much and it seems like she doesnt appreciate the amazing boyfriend she has, maybe if your relationship is hurting you so bad you should try and change things... its best to fix it now before you end up hurt even more! xxx

ive tried and tried to fix it, but it just breaks again, but i cant lose her, really, id break down xxx

you know the saying..listen to your heart, well maybe you should listen to your mind more often x

i cant, im in love! she isnt talking to me anymore x

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You're amazing, so cute, you are just perfection, don't ever let anyone make you feel like shit or treat you like shit, cause you don't deserve, you seem so lovely and I no its hard, but I feel so sorry for you, just listen to the people who love and care about you cause I'm sure there's a lot!! <3

thank you so much! and there isnt tbh, only people that care are on here, you people are the only ones i can tell stuff to, because you are the only people that care and like me<3

I guess your mind is with rachel but your heart isnt?

other way around, i love her with all my heart, but my brain is saying that, it cant take anymore hurting

you need to tell rachel how you feel and why its upsetting you x

i have, am and always will, it doesnt change anything tho x

tears are okay, it shows you have a heart and you have feelings and you're emotional, even if you are being your strongest things still do affect you but dont let it ruin you please x

ive been ruined for a long time x

Yeah i'll be here, even as a stranger i still care <3 and i'd never send her grief for that cause i understand it must be hard for both of you... honestly i still dont understand how someone could treat you badly, like you seem like you give her everything she shouldnt take advantage of that! xxx

aw thanks a lot!<3 she feels like she gives me the best.. it just doesnt feel like the best for me it feels rubbish xxx

Okay i hav a secret crush on someone you think i should tell them? You dont hve to give me advice :D

yep, better now, than missing your chance to tell them x

I feel sorry for you Ryan, i dont know you but i know that you shouldn't be treated like that or made to feel like shit by anyone... you seem so lovely and i honestly cant imagine why anyone would want to treat you badly but its so horrible that this girl has! Best thing to do if get it all out! xxx

thank you so much for being there! but i dont want people sending/giving/being mean to her, i love her so much, long distance relationships are hard for anyone, we dont mean to fight, but it hurts a lot being far away from someone you love. i just wish she would realise what shes got, before she loses it, i mean, you all give me such nice compliments, about how lucky she is to have me.. dont think she realises that. I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU!xxx

Once a penguin meets his mates they stay together forever. You eat 300ibs of food for your lifetime. If you dont sleep for a whole night you burn 200 calories Carrots are healthy ;) Facts....

aw, when a penguin finds his perfect gf penguin, he searches the whole island for the perf pebble to give her

aw see thats better. its okay not to be okay and i really really wanna help you and the worst things always happen to the nicest of people, its like god's test to prove how strong we can actually be x

aw ive been strong for too long, thanks it did help x


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