

Ask @rylas43

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You suck at biking and crankflips ?? nah your actually insane n hopefully you come back to q to bike in the spring

I'm living in Q sonny, who did tho?
Liked by: J-Fre$h

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Just common sense we know these chicks are douches. But why degrade ur friend bout it all. If they want hoes let them have hoes but why go public about it.

They ain't bitches, fuck off bruh, like don't like my Ask? Beat it, he knows I'm answering them, they didn't even hook up in he first place fucko

Why even answer this stuff??? Not fair to Koehn who cares who he's with.... he's single and feeding this website with pure garbage...

Suck em? I'll answer what I want
Liked by: Mykola Hendricks

One had Paige and the other had jordyn simple math

Doesn't mean they did anything ?? can you like message me or something so we don't have to expose them over ask

Ask Paige or jordyn they will tell you they have proof lmao now

What "proof" do they have? ? I talked to Koehn personally


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