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Hai kakak sabrinaaa Selamat bertemu besok di tio ciu ya Semoga kita gak satu chamber -debater

Numpang pap
SEC Anniversary 2017
with a new title SEC.NET 2017
National English Tournament
Presented By : SMA N 3 Medan English Club
There comes a time in your life when you can no longer put off choosing. You have to choose one path or the other. You can live safe and be protected by people just like you, or you can stand up and be a leader for what is right. Always, remember this: People never remember the crowd; they remember the one person that had the courage to say and do what they needed to do.
With 8 Fields of Competition :
1. Debate Competion
2. Poetry Reading
3. Speech Competition
4. Spelling Bee
5. English Olympiad
6. Newscasting
7. Scrabble Competition
8. Story Telling
with More Rewards, More Prizes and More Valuable Experiences...
Call the CP for further Information, Prepare Yourself to feel The Seasons Sensation and Let's Create The Best Collaboration...
Save The Date, March 2017 !!!
SEC - Make The Best, Do The Best!

View more

Hai kakak sabrinaaa
Selamat bertemu besok di tio ciu ya
Semoga kita gak satu

Dipp daku bun:((

agis haneemsipatma
Halo anim agis sipatmaa
Eh betul apa cemana?
Wkwk anak kelas 9 skarang,tarlagi mau UN abis tu naek nak SMA la diaaa eseeh. Cabe spensa beud gendud eh tapi terkahir ketemu da kuruz dia eezeeh. Nak praspensaa😍 garuda la nnti awak iya?ekekekek
Baik,ck kental dulu nich,the bunny?sukak kau nim?wkwkwk. ❤
Ah imp kita jangan diumbar. Bedosa semua isinya😄
Aama coach yang super duper alay hoho. 😍
Dipp daku bun

Desc la

Cantikasalsabila18’s Profile PhotoCantika Salsabila
Cie mintaaa decss
Cantika salsabila
Kawan,lawan,musuh,sahabat,anak alay,anak cabecabean wkwkq
Kalau udah ketemu dia bawaannya mau teriak gak jelas. Orang yg selalu nyemangatin kalau aku lagi kesulitan. Orang yang selalu nyubit,mukul cem mak tiri udah. Gebetnnnya ank wilmar sana. Anak debater medan la pokoknya ngeri akak ini ckckck.
Ck balas dendam ke orng hahahah
Luph u can 😍😍😍😍

Daniel wiyarta yang ganteng badai itu ya kak? Gimana si diaa orangnya kakk kasi tau la aku

Eh daniel kau offanon la kok-_-
Iya daniel wiyarta yang setiap lomba sangat mau menang,dan for honestly aku iri sama kau masih SMP dah bisa NSDC
Ya walaupun bocah,sayang kok aku samamu. See u in debater hall cabe!
Aku mau pap mukak kau ya wkwkw
You look so beautiful wanita lantammmmm~~(hear here)
Daniel wiyarta yang ganteng badai itu ya kak Gimana si diaa orangnya kakk kasi


Language: English