

Latest answers from Safontsev

if someone ur usually mean to told u they were in love with u which is why the bugged you, how would u feel and what would u say

dk dc

An original way to attract a guy's attention?

it's easier to approach in the web, especially if the interests are clear and visible.
Write something like "Hi, you also like 30 seconds to Mars" and on it goes). In general, there are no clear instructions, you need to act according to the situation))

What is the purpose of newspapers?

The newspaper is a portable screen behind which a man sitting in a tram hides from a woman standing next to him

An original way to attract a guy's attention?

it's easier to approach in the web, especially if the interests are clear and visible.
Write something like "Hi, you also like 30 seconds to Mars" and on it goes). In general, there are no clear instructions, you need to act according to the situation))

Language: English