

Ask @salmoly25

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I hope everyone now learned from 13 reasons why that bullying could kill. That you being way to nice could send people's live into suicide. We all make mistakes just stop bullying. #stopbully

Liked by: AhmedMaher

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Theory, the picture is suspicious and it has something to do about switches, hubs, gateways w keda fa study these. Khalas eshta, dont believe me bas I'm sure eno howa

You were wrong lol

this exam is so similar to 2012 31, in 2012 the question asked to use vlookup fa if this exam asked if function you have both, fahmany? W ah fe theory keteer, study unit 4 3an switch w hub w keda and the file extensions unit 11 and 12.1.

Esa feeh theory ezay haygy fein?

the question paper betetla3 wa2t el exam bas. Fa if you have the supporting files u can deduce some questions from them. W it is the real, trust me on this one.

Ah zy el if wel v look up w keda th how did u get them w kaman feeh theory?
Liked by: AbedAzez

umm it's kinda complicated, I have a fake email w the supporting files are in the draft part of it. wanna talk dm?

Tb send them to me
Liked by: AbedAzez


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