
Sam Anderson

Ask @samanders5400

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Y did I delete the ?. Answer it again

No. Seriously? Is this even a question? No one is worthless, no one should ever feel worthless. Yea, Mason is an ex boyfriend but that doesn't mean he wasn't the highlight of my life at one point. I know we have DEFINITELY had our ups and downs but tonight we talked and I guess we are kinda steady. I'm a little confused but he did apologize and that means a lot to me. He is a still a human being and still a big portion of my life. He's an amazing person and a great friend. You have no right to say anything like that about him, or anyone for that matter!! I mean, really, die alone?? That's a little harsh. Yea, I'm assuming he says I'm worthless but I'll be the bigger person. Just because I disliked him doesn't mean that he is worthless. It means that I'm mature enough to get over it to defend someone who deserves it.

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