

Ask @sanjeethan

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What's your favourite car?

Well cars are cars, but my favourite car Lamborghini Aventador 😗😗 but for know GTR will do 😂

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What changes have you had in last 2 years?(photo)

😂😂 ok I just don't take pictures thats why lol, i'll upload new one's soon 😐

Who's going to the party tonight?

Who's asking, we're having a house party if anyone interested send me a message. 😉

Why do some students do not continue studies after graduating school?

They are entrepreneurs, people who finished high school are more successful then the ones who graduated (some), and the graduated still looking for a job after 5 years of studying and in £27,000 or more dept.

What was your last mark?

Are you asking about my last year, uni? It's a first. You can simply just message me, don't worry I'm on my way 😉 #ga

What spoils people?

Nice question 🤔, I believe that people spoil because of society and circumstances for example bad house company, friends and things that you see in daily life.🙄

What is better the truth even if it hurts, or a lie?

Humans are gifted, we can heal from pain over time, otherhand lies will be revealed one day, and when the happens it hurts more. Therefore Truth, we can get it done with and move on. 😍 ask more question like this man

Who do you prefer the most , huzaifa or arham and why?🙃🙃

Sorry I can't give specific answer for this, 😂 I love them both, we've been friends for nearly a decade, there's nothing that can separate us, especially not this question, so don't try 🙄

Language: English