
Sarah Adini Putri

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Latest answers from Sarah Adini Putri

abis tamat kulaiah mending langsung kerja atau lanjut S2 ?

kerja sih enak dpt duit sendiri gak perlu minta sm ortu lagi tapi sayang gajinya dikit, jadi boleh nambah kul S2 kok ;)

Hey new year 2015! I hope you can get better than years ago, can become a successful person, forget about all your problem but you'll keep yourself hehe btw i have my plan to meet with us because for 7 months I've got a plan would further study in the united kingdom. I'll be information to you :)

Damazbagaskara’s Profile PhotoDamazbagaskara
Yes thank you, so you also. Okay don't forget to tell me and friends about this. Come to back our meeting plan before you actually go to the UK. Thaanks!

-___- aku ga bilang foto tetapi klo aku bertanya itu artinya "sebelum dan setelah'" tentang aku makanya baca smua beranda temanmu donk

FiaaATiasrizqi’s Profile PhotoAlifia Tiasrizqi
Oh bukan foto tapi sblm n ssdh tentang diri aku sndiri?

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