
Sarah Baxter

Ask @sarbears789

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But I was thinking that maybe I should do it in person

well if you never hang with her you might not be able to ask her out in person because you haven't hung out all summer right? or do you plan to or anything

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I need advice. There's this one girl from school who I really like. I haven't seen her this summer but we talk a lot on snapchat. How do I ask her out on a date?

depends, how often do you guys talk on snapchat?

Not to be nosy or anything, but do you like anyone more than like a friend right now?

not currently

Someone asked me on my ask who I like. What is a good way I can say who I like(also I feel like she was the one who asked me). I suck at this stuff so I need some help with what to say 😂😂😂 gimme ideas 😀😀😀😀

one way. the name of the person you like.

Say that someone likes you and they ask you out. You kind of know and kind of like this person. Would you say yes?

if I know & like them completely, not kind of

We are friends. We have been friends for a while. I just wanna take our friendship to the next level. She is really pretty 🙌🏻❤️

ok if I'm being honest I would just tell her how you feel straight up, you never know until you tell her, she could feel the same way !!

What classes r u taking next year

usual English history pre calc, then biotec criminal justice and sports med

How do I get this girl I really like to like me back??? ❤️

talk to her, I guess flirt and put urself out there? sorry I'm not good @ this stuff and I don't know ur situation

Who are the best freshman year teachers for Honors English, Intermediate Algebra, Global Studies, Health, Conceptual Physics, and Spanish 1? Please help cuzzz I'm scared af

damn girl don't stress it's freshman year and you don't choose teachers just calm, now that I look back at it freshman year was so easy (not Simms bio but) so relax and enjoy high school bud

What classes are you thinking of taking next year

regular english and history, honors pre calc, bio tec, crime scene & investigation, and another elective


Language: English