

Ask @saritaa789

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Ever been told a truth that you weren't ready to hear? If so, what was it?

Yeah. When my titi died. Was NOT ready to hear that.. Would of never been ready to hear that. But it was true.

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how do you have time to talk to people anonymously on Ask. but not enough time to say hi to people back on a text saying hey back etc

Did you not read the answers that I just answered? Read it again.

what if that person really wants to talk, would you ignore them

Well lately. I've been ignoring EVERYONE. So don't take it personal Okay. Who Is this?

how often do you reply to your text messages

Depending how I'm feeling that day. Sometimes I don't reply to my text messages because I want to be left alone. Or sometimes it's depending on that person.

Lol well I wasn't noticed much back then so it's okay ? but I'm glad to hear things are going good ??❤️

There isn't anything wrong with that . ? do you feel Comfortable on letting me know who you are or do you wanna keep it in the DL? And thank you again. Youre sweet lol.

Okay tbh you went to middle school with me in 6 grade and I've always thought you were beautiful and I hope all is going well

Thank you so much.? Everything is going really great☺️ Hope everything is going well for you too. I'm really curious on who this is tbh? lol

Did you know sarah means princess ?

Yes I know. ? lol that's the only interesting thing about my name. How about you kik me instead?

We've never met butt okay call me Malik ? Do you have any nick names ?

Nope. Sarah it is. ?? such a plain name, I know ? lol

Malik. But you can call me bae ?

Oh alright Lmaoo. Don't think I know you? And I prefer to call you malik. Lol


Language: English