

Ask @sassybadassiman

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Q: why do circus lions not eat clowns?? A: because they taste FUNNY HUEHUEHUEHUE

omg we can be best friends

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1115 TAHNKS FOR EVERYTHING B HEHE ESP for having my bEck and being my (not so silent) guardian angel during this period :"-) goofy luck tmr ok:----) JIAYOUS and sleep early :-)

yoz boz haha shit all your fault I checked ask fm. I totally forgot ask fm existed???? haha and I didn't expect this from youuauuuuurr. thanks you for being the shy starfish that loves ((yes love)) under a rock under the sea!!!!!! zzz such loser anyways vvv excited with you for liberation OOH YeAh !!!! baezZ thanks for making my night talking about guzhengs and all zzz luv uuuu
Liked by: tofu

hello short note!! so i think you're my ipw senior and i rmb u as the person who like to watch kdrama(?) (are u the one) and i thought u hated me bc u always give me the sian look :-( but now i think you're not that scary!!! so hope to know u better!!!! ;-))))

haha yes kdrama yay. no lah don't hate u haha see u around :-)
Liked by: tofu

short note: haha hi I ACCIDENTALLY LIKED UR ANS bc i think wen fang liked it, sorry! i've seen u in school before if i'm not wrong u're jinye/sylvia's clique??:D haha uhh ok yup good luck for eoys tho they're almost over okie good luck for sci paper!! (i think) u can do it!(-:

good luck to you too :-)
Liked by: Crystal

hihii tbh idrk u very well actually at all hehe ExCEpt That ur Name is iman N I SEE U ARD In sch vvvv often and i find u very rad and cool XP talk moree i guessss (?) heheheh

yes talk more haha :-))) see u around
Liked by: tofu


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