Ask @sawomer

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yeah I know, its ok. I study engineerin. and yes I meant ur cover but not this, the previous one, u were 7 I think, 3 girls 4 boys, the one on the left was u, wasnt it?!

Too much curiosity!! as you mentioned yourself. LOL You might be right!😄
Liked by: Bahar DaNar khoshNaw

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then u probably were 17 when u applied for it nah? same from what,whom exactly?!!

I was 16!!! Everything is available in the website. Please try to search for those information by yourself. I have an assignment to do therefore, I can't answer every single question that's already been answered online. But if you want to ask anything about the experiences or related to me. I'm more than happy to answer but since this is too public. I don't feel comfortable with that. It's based on certain reasons.

hmmm I got it, and what grade where u when u went there? highschool 1?

It's about the age so between age of 16 to 19 can apply! That's one of the consequences. Are you the same person?!

Okay you're right about that.. I really like how positive and how grj u gol you look like..anyways thank you very much 🙂 and wish you the best luck in your life ✌🏻️

Thank you for your lovely words anon. I appreciate your thoughts. I hope the same to you😄

To say awa nakay?bcuz of me my community is struggling yan bcuz of aw hamu mas2ula dzanay la wlatakama han?yan labar aw hamu na 3adalatyay ka m3ashi andam parlaman u wazir la m3ashi obama zyatra!!ha bcuz of me right!

Dear anon, I know that,even personally struggling with that issues.But, for sure there are other issues that we are currently struggling with beside that. Don't misaim that point with the my perspective. I'm talking about how lazy and apathetic we can be. Of course there are so many pathways to aim for a better community and change what's going on around you but first with yourself. There are various opportunities for our youth who wants to bring a positive impact to the community and raise awareness of the facts that you attempt about. If you can't make a tiny research about your future or your future plans how can you get a chance to change the issue that you're talking about it?How can you gain and fulfill your mind with knowledge? How can you be a change? A change for superior country? Instead of keep COMPLAINING, DO something about it. But, first try to make some changes with yourself by filling your emptiness. Be more conscious. Even since you might be a boy ( I'm not talking about inequality because it's already exist. but boys to make it more general "males"have more freedom and chances in our society to achieve what they "AIM" for) hich shteki 7aq lasar siny zer nayeta pesh bot!!!!!!!!!

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E da bo mandum akay

Wtf!!!!!! Bo masla7aty to alem bro bas check'eki bka aleyt mandu abm tab3an bas CHIA, Har lasar jegay xot danishtuyt 2 panjat ajulenit Bo away type Bkait u ta2kidm Har 2 rstay sarata agar bshixweniawa bas mandu nabit ka ba sa3at danishit xariki social network bit....agar bas bawa mandu bit awa la yakam rozhawa aleyt way baba achmawa Bo Kurdistan ta7amuli awa nakam! Walla awana sis u be ehtimam bit qabily scholarship nit! Axr because of lazy and poor minded people like you the whole community is struggling and we are even taking steps backwards!!! Good job, your country is proud of you!
Liked by: Bahar DaNar khoshNaw

Walla wtm bzanm lasar ch asasek wart agrn..yani abe Englizyakaw bash be wania? Lawe ba ch zmanek axwenn?

Engliz'yakat bash bet, darajakat bash bet, education background'akat bash bet, Msharakeki basht krdbet la leadership u program'y jyawaz u Zor shti tr...bale ba Engliz'y axwenm!!!
Liked by: Bahar DaNar khoshNaw

Basha scholarship okay bas la layan kewa war agrn? Zor hazm leya mnish la darawa bxenm

Taqdim akayt ba online, agaretawa sar application'akat agar peyan gunjaw bu awa scholarship't dadane(national committee)u qbult akan agar Na awa hich. Har shart 7azaka Nia, rasta ka 7azt bo shtek habu lawanaya pshgiryak bet Bo badihenany bas abet chawaray awa bkay ka Ta chand lagal system'u laruy Zor shtawa farqi haya.... It's a big challenging, you should be sure that you can handle it and know how to deal with the stress, balancing everything out and so on..!!! At least that's how is it in the UWC but it's a great experiences and interesting at the same time, you have a chance to try so many new thing and fulfill your mind with various challenges.
Liked by: Bahar DaNar khoshNaw


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