

What cars do you like

I don’t know much about cars, I only know what topgear tells me. But I like vintage ones òr on the entirely other end of the spectrum, premium cars like Audi, BMW, Mercedes or Tesla. My man has a sports car, for a man I think it’s sexy, that also grinds right.

Latest answers from Milou

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

Didn’t I have a leak in the bathroom? (And I was right)

What are your fave movies

I mostly watch horror, art house, old classics or documentaries. Anything else is really rare and probably the idea of a friend.

What is the best way to say goodbye?

Keep turning around to wave. There’s something really loving in there. “I see you!”.........”I still see you there!”........”this is the last time I will be able to see you!”. And all that we say by sticking our hand in the air and shaking it.
That’s cute.

What makes you really nervous?

Having to do editorial make-up or other fashion related jobs, I avoid them. It is really fun to get to such an amazing end product, the looks are more of an achievement than a regular job but they stress me out so much. I hate that about myself because I always looked forward to getting to create these looks and now that I kinda can I don’t wanna, lol. It’s also about the competative atmosphere that’s sometimes nasty, but I get nervous at these particular jobs when the vibe is positive too. Maybe I just must get some more experience, who knows.
Driving a car makes me nervous.
And hair dressers and dentists, too. Equally. Those motherfuckers can do shit to you.

When is the last time you lost something? What was it?

I lost a necklace on set that had super intense meaning to me a few days ago. I even came back for it and searched on the land that was not a set anymore, unfortunately it was muddy now so it’s probably stamped in the ground somewhere. Hope someone finds it with a metal detector many years from now and that will be meaningful for them too.

What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?

White male supremacy. I strongly believe the majority of wrongdoings have their roots there.

Language: English