@screams6#3 🇬🇧

Andreea ♡

Ask @screams6

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Okay, this is probably a d*mb question, but where can I buy aloe vera from? like, a living plant aloe vera whose gel I can cut myself.

Gardening shop
Liked by: Cheri Αnnita

Would you ever work for your family’s company if you had the opportunity, or would that make you feel like a ‘nepobaby’ who only got hired because of their connections?

Liked by: Cheri Αnnita

have you ever been to a party where there was no alcohol?

I don’t go to parties. The only parties that I attend are family. And there is always alcohol if needed but I don’t drink anyway.

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When you take pictures for social media, do you try to make them look as aesthetic as possible to make them Insta-worthy? perfect lighting, perfect coloring, editing, etc., or do you just not bother

I have a aesthetics account so yeah

Vorbesc cu un baiat după snap de o luna de zile pare băiat ok și mia spus ca vrea sa vina în decembrie sa facem Crăciunul împreună credeți ca ar trebui sa am încredere în el adica sa ies cu el dacă eu personal nu-l cunosc doar ce am vorbit pe snap?

Eu zic să stai parcată 😂
Liked by: Cristiana Αnnita

Ce vremuri erau odată... când cu 100 lei aproape umpleai coșul de cumpărături. Acum cu 100 lei iei o pâine, o apă plată și un pachet de țigări :))

Ce să faci…
Liked by: Cristiana Αnnita


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