
Dave G

Ask @screwlewseWoW

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If you could have one food and one drink from a video game which would it be and from what game?

What a cool idea.. haha. Skooma of course! And I'll chase that with steamed mudcrab legs. :)

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If you have $103, and your friend gives you $500: where would you take me for lunch?

If i had over six hundred free bucks and a friend to spend it on? Wherever they want and we can shop with the extra.

Does it annoy you when anonymous people ask you questions on here? Because usually I can't be bothered unchecking that button...

Unchecking that darn button is a pain. I don't like anon at all. I dont mind answering anon questions but i dont like having to uncheck when asking
Liked by: Tycer

Is there any part of your life you look at and go "I totally nailed that!"? If so, what was it?

Uh nope. There are always areas of improvement. Even in the things that i excel in. Ive found that the times i think im good are the times im worst at it.

why are you such a girly dude!

Heh.. girly dude, eh?. funny question, but I'll give a long answer.
When I was young.. I was on the soft and sensitive side, and it didn't go unnoticed. I got bullied quite a bit (also for being short) and I had a rough time with the girls, growing up. I always lost girls I liked, to more aggressive types. That was rough.
I mean... I knew I wasn't gay or anything.. had no desire there, but didn't care if others were. I had plenty of family that is / was. But I did seem to get alot of attention from gay men. Lots of offers, which I would politely refuse. Once even from my Dad's boyfriend! That was awkward. Alas it wasn't my thing and I knew that. However, I felt comfortable around any sexual preference there were. Dad would take me to the gay bars and NY drag bars. He'd yell "Hey my son's straight, got it?" and all would be fine, the rest of the night.
The interesting part was when I went into the NAVY and I would be intimidated by these "manly" dudes that I never knew. They just acted the part. Back then I was part of an emergency fire team, and of all Alpha males, I was partnered with the most REAL ALPHA of them all. This guy fought on a fire team that spent 3 days solid fighting a fire that almost took the aircraft carrier, and in the NAVY, we dont fight fires from the outside.. we go into the room that's on fire.. and they lock the door on us. Literally.
So being paired up with a really manly dude.. he assessed me by my actions.. he and I fought fires together like badasses. We were both really gung-ho about this shit. Finally one day when we had a critical fire down in the bottom of the ship (a very dangerous place to have a fire) he and I were first to the nozzle, first to go as normal. I'm on the nozzle, he's got the infared camera, telling me where to spray. We took the 3 flights of stairs down from where they locked the door, (complete darkness because of smoke) and when we handled the situation, we turned around to see who we had to help out, there were only 3 other guys.. the other 20 were on the other side of the door, like scared punk bitches. That's when I finally realized that being a man wasn't about how you act. Being a man was the same as being a woman.. you take care of things because they need to be done, even when dangerous or uncool or unsexy. From then on, I had no issue on where I stood on the topic.
So yeah, I can be sensitive, or act "un-manly", but the reality is I've proved myself, to myself.. So I dont care what others say.

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If you've used it, what's your preferred library for Javascript MVC stuff? Not sure if I should use Spine or Backbone on my first project for work.

Backbone is fairly simple imo as a first. Also check react.js and io.js. Ive not used io, but a two friends work on it

What's your best trick on a skateboard?

1. Had one badass invert once that I held for 4 seconds, tuck knee. 2. Nice judo air that was full extension 3. Ollied a trash can, not knowing what was on the other side.. scary as HELL!

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

I acted as the CEO online and chewed out my boss in front of our whole team. That was pretty epic. Not sure i can ever top that

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Check twitter. :P. Shower and prep. Out the door

You're having a bad Monday and need to feel better. What do you do?

Talk to friends. Friends always make me feel better bout things. Mostly online friends. more available, and usually more compassionate.
Liked by: Tycer

What song is on repeat today?

I dont repeat songs.. I repeat albums or usually a specific artist. Usually Opeth, Vijdardta (thall), or slipknot.

Describe the person you love or the last person you were attracted to.

Well this person is smart, adorably funny and witty. Compassionate and caring, and puts up with my quirkiness. We have similar faiths as well. What else does one need?

How important is it for you to have a lot of money?

It's unimportant and severely important at the same time. Money means options but not key to happiness. I think i make alot, yet most goes to kids private school. If there is left over, i like to support friends or help them. Usually leaves none to spare, which is fine. So i guess theres a point where I'd feel like its too much but its nice to have choices for the kids and some for fun

Do you regret anything?

regret anything eh? I dont really have alot of regret. I had times where life was really harsh.. and times where life was really good. I never had a situation where I want to take it back. It's made me who I am, I learned from the mistakes of family and I learned from my own mistakes. Makes me.. me

What country's foods do you like the most?

Funny. Im all about asian foods. Especially the street food and freaky foods. Balut, durian, chickens feet, intestines, octopus etc

If you could be amazing at one and only one artform, what would you want it to be?

Oh wow.. That would probably change often. and what is an artform?
safe answer: skating. I still daydream about pulling off inverts in the nearby pool. I'm pretty close already to it. unsafe answer: a mega super pleaser, kinda like orgazmo.
Liked by: Tycer

Why are you at work so earlyyyyyy

I know right? A new thing, but since we are the first in the office, I get a metric ton of things done before anyone even gets here. I work more hours, but I'm quite alot more productive, and I leave earlier.
Liked by: Tycer

What are the 5 important things you would include in your things-to-do list?

1. Can't say.
2. Travel vietnam and japan
3. Time with my friends
4. Spend more time with the kiddos
5. Have more time than I currently have

Would you do a video of yourself singing "Footloose", but with the title replaced with "Screwlewse"?

That requires singing and dancing?

Do you identify more as a bear or a cub?

Hahahah. Looking at me you might think bear. Lol. Neither have been explored nor will they


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