
Sara Duntley

Ask @sd630

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If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

camo. cause when i go to pants ur ass you wont see me comin

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

clothes...correction....gift cards from the places that i want to buy the clothes from because if i were to ask my parents for clothes i would be given socks and g strings...again
Liked by: Kelly Sullivan

When mr hennick came on the announcements I started lawlin

K31z0r’s Profile PhotoKelly Sullivan
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ik dude i was listening to music on Haileys iphone and then i heard he make an announcement and i freaked everyone was like whats so funny
Liked by: Kelly Sullivan

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

my 2nd cousins from england sent me some of the candy they have their and there are these pear drops and they are the best things ive ever had
Liked by: Kelly Sullivan

What is the best news you could hear right now?

Scientists: Sara, we found out how to make you live forever.
Channing Tatum: Sara, i left my wife and baby for you, lets have sex right here right now, this nerd can watch if he wants.
Santa Clause: Sara, you're on the top of my good girl list ;)
Me: EWWWW Santa, go away!!! Lets go Channing!
Liked by: Kelly Sullivan


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